The supply and use of wood preservatives has been subject to regulation across Europe since the 1960s. Each review of regulations typically results in increased levels of safety and increased costs for manufacturers. These pose a challenge to the industry to ensure continuing availability of safe but effective preservatives – a challenge that has always been met resulting in preservatives being available to protect wood in all situations and ensuring wood, with its superb environmental credentials, remains an important choice for specifiers and designers.

The wood preservative manufactures are organised in European Wood Preservative Manufacturers Group (EWPM) and work together with authorities and other stake holders, such as WEI,
EWPM was formed in 1977 to create a focus for European wood preservative manufacturers to respond to developments in the standardisation and regulation of their products.
EWPM and its members have in close cooperation with WEI developed and published Code of Practice that can be found on the page: Responsibilities of treaters