WEI-Frühjahrstagung 2023

WEI Spring Meeting 2023 – 1 & 2 March

Novotel Tour noire, Brussels

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Folder for all documents, will update as documents and presentations is available


Wednesday, 1 March 2023

11h00 Executive Committee meeting (Members only)

12h30 Buffet lunch

14h00 Opening “Spring Meeting 2023” – Welcome – Practical arrangements

14h15 Program

  • Performance based specification of wood: Mr Ed SUTTIE, BRE – Building Research Establishment
  • Developments in the EU sawn softwood market: Mr Diego BENEDETTI, European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry
  • CEI-Bois Sustainability Working Group’s activities: Mr Claudiu-Nicolae Sonda, CEI-Bois
  • Challenges and opportunities in a changing market: Mr Erik KARLSSON, Rundvirke Poles
  • Update EWPM: Mr Arno VAN OOSTEN, President EWPM

19h00 Common dinner – Restaurant Bonsoir Clara, Rue A. Dansaert 22-26

Thursday, 2 March 2023

09h30 Commission Wood Preservatives

  • Update Biocidal Products Regulation
  • State of affairs on Creosote: Mads KORNER, Creosote Council Europe
  • Biobiowood – CSR engagement with modified wood: Ms Stina MOLDRUP, IWT-Moldrup
  • Treated wood and wood waste discussion – Title tbc: Mr Christophe LORIEAU, PiveteauBois/ Arbust
  • Leaching of fire retardants from wood constructions/claddings: Mr Andreas Wilfried Christof, Dansk Teknologisk Institut

Commission Finished products and Marketing

  • Update WG Marketing: Mr Fredrik WESTIN, Swedish Wood Preservation Association

Round table of national developments

Invitation WEI Congress – September 2023

12h00 Lunch

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