Im Streben nach Exzellenz

Prior to being accepted into membership, members have to subscribe to the ‘Charter for Professional Wood Preservers‘. This charter provides standards of professional conduct and expertise to which members conform, in order to demonstrate their commitment to excellence.


A charter for professional wood preservers

The European Institute for Wood Preservation is a prestigious body representing the wood preservation industry in Europe. This charter elaborates standards of professional conduct and expertise to which its members subscribe, and demonstrates their commitment to excellence.


Professional wood preservers maintain integrity in all their dealings. The same standards are required of their staff. Their customers have total confidence in the product or service supplied knowing that it will be fit for purpose and represent value for money.


Professional wood preservers are aware of the need for quality in every aspect of their business. They will have written a quality policy and will seek to develop the best principles of quality management in partnership with their suppliers and customers.

They will have, or seek to develop, a formalised quality management system complying with national or international standards and implement a quality improvement plan which will demonstrate that they are truly in pursuit of excellence.


Professional wood preservers have a sound knowledge and understanding of the chemicals used to inhibit the deterioration of wood by fungi and insects. They will adopt or develop processes for effective impregnation, the control of their plant and process monitoring.

Their plant will incorporate the best available techniques and achieve levels of wood protection that comply with national or international standards.


Professional wood preservers are aware of their responsibilities in respect of the environment. They will have written an environmental policy stating their objectives and explaining the means of achieving them. They will have constructed their treatment plant, ordered their business and trained their staff to protect the elements of land, water and air and the people, animals and plants that live in them.


Professional wood preservers will have written a policy statement explaining their approach to health & safety matters. They will be aware of national or international legislation as it affects their activities. Their plant will incorporate appropriate safety devices. Above all their personnel will have received adequate training appropriate to their activities and be issued with protective clothing and facilities to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene.

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WEI A charter for professonal wood treaters

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