Executive Summary of “Treated Wood for Decarbonisation” Now Available

We are pleased to announce the release of the executive summary for our roadmap titled “Treated Wood for Decarbonisation”. This concise document offers a clear and straightforward overview of the full roadmap, providing essential insights into how treated wood can play a pivotal role in Europe’s journey towards climate neutrality.

Prepared by the European Institute for Wood Preservation (WEI-IEO) and the European Wood Preservative Manufacturers Group (EWPM), this roadmap outlines critical policy recommendations for the EU’s 2024-2029 political term. It highlights the importance of treated wood in reducing carbon emissions, extending the service life of wood, and replacing energy-intensive construction materials.

The executive summary is intended for anyone interested in understanding the strategic role of treated wood in achieving the EU’s 2030, 2040, and 2050 climate targets.

Download the Executive Summary PDF and explore the key actions proposed to optimize wood’s potential in the fight against climate change.

Stay informed and share this important resource with others who are committed to sustainable growth and decarbonisation.

Treated wood roadmap summary WEI IEO EWPM 21.06.2024

Executive summary of Treated wood for decarbonisation - a plan for optimising the use of wood.

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